Author and illustrator: Lewis Hancox
Publisher: Scholaastic
One of our books of the year 2024!
Graphic novels are having a big mainstream moment. Trans writing is finally getting the recognition it deserves. Introducing: Lewis Hancox’s work.
In his first memoir Welcome to St Hell, Hancox explores growing up in a small town, coming to terms with his transness, and coming out to family and friends, with humour, honesty, and a rounded monochromatic graphic style that is both very modern yet reminiscent of cartoon classics. This year’s sequel, Escape from St Hell, is even better. In-text Lewis, now off to college and dealing with all the changes this entails, uses the framework of “video game levels” to process both the challenges and rewards of transitioning. I found it profoundly moving and relatable; it’s one of my favorite depictions of early transition I have ever read. Lewis’ neuroses, fears, but also joys and friendships, are all depicted so charmingly it is impossible not to root for him even at his lowest. One of those books I wish to put in everyone’s hands, as I know it’ll win over even the most staunch opposers to the comics medium, and a worthy addition to the ever growing canon of trans memoir.