Author: Estelle Hoy
Publisher: After 8
One of our books of the year 2024!
Lu says: saké blue is a moving collection of writings on and around visual art, addressing notable figures from Francesca Woodman to Marlene Dumas. Beautiful, lyrical and cut-throat, Hoy offers a gathering of critical essays, art reviews and poetic fiction. Passages reflect on the economies of activist practices and discuss the legacy of institutional critique, queerness, desire, boredom and melancholy. Within is a sharp attentiveness to life’s shifting values and the masquerade of knowledge-as-power, embracing non-understanding, of not-knowing. Hoy’s work - often genre discerning - proposes an ‘art writing’ distinct from’ art criticism,’ that artists are pulled towards ‘multiple plots’ and art may be the place for subjectivities to take shape.