1830, 14/2/24
All proceeds to the PEN Emergency Writers Fund.
Please join us for an evening of readings, drinks and raffles as we stand alongside bookshops around the country in raising money to help writers get out of Gaza.
The evening will feature readings from Anthony Anaxagorou, Sabeen Chaudhry, Emily LaBarge as well as a special recording of Adania Shibli reading in Arabic from Minor Detail, and Elhum Shakerifar reading from Elisabeth Jacquette's translation.
ANTHONY ANAXAGOROU FRSL is a British-born Cypriot poet, fiction writer, essayist and publisher. He is the artistic director of Out-Spoken, a monthly poetry and music night held at London’s Southbank Centre, and publisher of Out-Spoken Press. He is the editor-in-chief of Propel Magazine, an online literary journal featuring the work of poets yet to publish a first collection.
SABEEN CHAUDHRY writes poetry, theory and fiction. Her poetry has featured in Gutter, SPAM, Ludd Gang and other publications. She often collaborates with artists, most recently for Singapore Biennale, and with collectives like DEMO Moving Image. She also co-edits Deleuzine. Rimming the Event Horizon (The 87 Press) is her first collection.
EMILY LABARGE is a Canadian writer based in London. Her first book, Dog Days, will be published by Peninsula Press. Her work has appeared in Granta, Bookforum, London Review of Books, Frieze, Tate Etc., The White Review, and The Paris Review, among other publications.
ELHUM SHAKERIFAR (she/her) is a BAFTA-nominated producer and curator; her London-based production company Hakawati ("storyteller" in Arabic) moves from the core ethos that we are the stories we tell. Elhum is also a PEN-award winning, Warwick Prize-nominated translator and writer.
ADANIA SHIBILI was born in Palestine in 1974. Her first two novels appeared in English with Clockroot Books as Touch (tr. Paula Haydar, 2010) and We Are All Equally Far From Love (tr. Paul Starkey, 2012). She was awarded the Young Writer’s Award by the A. M. Qattan Foundation in 2002 and 2004. Minor Detail was shortlisted for the National Book Award for Translated Literature in 2020, and longlisted for the International Booker Prize in 2021.